Meet Dr Jags

Meet Dr Jags Main Image

Dr Jags Krishnan MLA

Proudly representing Brentwood, Bull Creek, Leeming, Mt Pleasant, Parkwood, Riverton, Rossmoyne, Shelley, Willetton


Hi, I’m Dr Jags, your local Labor Member for Riverton!

Prior to entering politics I was a General Practitioner for over 25 years, and I’m committed to making sure local families have access to the quality, affordable healthcare you deserve.

I've had the opportunity to work with members of our amazing community for two decades now, firstly as a GP and now as the local member, and in that time my intentions have never wavered – I am always 100% committed to helping everyone at any time as best I can.

Doing everything we can to help ease cost of living pressures is my number one priority, and I am wholly committed to ensuring we always put people and families first in everything my team and I do.

Delivering for our community through our schools, sports clubs, and local groups is something we work on each and every day - because I will never take for granted the immense number of volunteer hours and service that members of our community provide each year. We live in such a vibrant and thriving place, and I cannot stress enough just how determined I am to do whatever I can to make our local community even better. 

I proudly work alongside Premier Roger Cook to deliver on the WA Labor Government’s plan to keep WA strong, grow the WA economy and continue to protect the health of our community.

Together, we are delivering on a number of commitments and projects for our local community. You can keep up to date on my progress by following my Facebook page @Dr Jags MLA (

I am always willing to do whatever I can to help, so please do not hesitate to reach out if I can ever be of assistance. We can be reached via phone on (08) 9332 1589 or via Email at [email protected].

Thanks very much for checking out our website, and I hope to catch you soon!

Dr Jags Krishnan MLA

Member for Riverton




I was elected at the 2021 State Election in what is my first time in any political role. It has been such an honour to represent the incredible people of the electorate of Riverton and I have never taken it for granted. Every day since, my team and I have been working tirelessly to help everyone as best as we can.

I cannot thank you personally enough for this amazing opportunity – and regardless of whether you voted for me or not – it is my absolute priority to serve everyone as best as I possibly can.

The state electorate of Riverton comprises the suburbs of Bull Creek, a small piece of Brentwood, half of Leeming, part of Mt Pleasant, Riverton, Rossmoyne, Shelley, and Willetton, and in 2025 will be joined by Parkwood. We have over 30,000 registered voters and some 20,000 households in our community – and I have been able to knock the doors of each home twice during the campaign. The chance to speak to everyone personally was a great way for me to get to know what the concerns and suggestions of our local residents are – and since my election it has been my priority to repay the faith shown in me.

I am an only child and was born in Kotagiri in the Nilgiris District in the state of Tamil Nadu, a region of Southern India which is mainly famous for its rolling green hills of tea.

My parents never finished their schooling but they worked extremely hard to give me the best opportunity possible to succeed, and it was during this time I learnt the importance of community and service.

My background is in health. After migrating from India, I first settled in the UK.

During my time in London, I was employed as a senior health officer overseeing St George’s Hospital and Mayday Hospital in South-West London. These two hospitals played a major role in treating patients affected by the 2005 London Underground bombings – an experience which left an incredible mark on me as a person and as a professional.

I left London not long after the London bombings and settled in Byford with my wife Yaamini and our young family.

Since then, I have worked incredibly hard as a small business owner managing a string of medical centres. I worked on the front lines during the COVID-19 pandemic, helping to oversee operations at both the High Wycombe and Alexander Heights Respiratory Clinics.

Now settled in Shelley, all my focus and attention is directed toward representing our local area. It is the highest honour of my life to represent the greatest electorate in WA.

I am very approachable and like to think I have inherited my parents’ work ethic, so if I can ever be of any assistance or support, then please do not hesitate to reach out. 

An apple a day may have kept the doctor away, but now as your local member of Parliament, I can be reached any time!